

The registration process is straightforward - you need to fill in your data in a sequence of pages.

Registration Process

1. Email

Enter your Email address and click the "Start Registration" button. The system will check if the email address is being registered for the first time.

If your email is already present in the system, you will be asked to log in.

If you forgot your password you can retrieve it by clicking the "Forgot Password?" link below the Login form.

Note: your email will be your user name to login to the site. All notifications and announcements (if you are subscribed to any) will be sent to the email you provide during registration.

2. Agreement

Next you will see a Customer Agreement which you have to review carefully. You must accept the terms and conditions (check the "I have read and accept the agreement." checkbox below the agreement text) to continue the registration.

If you want to register offline, you will have to sign the printed version of the same agreement before your registration is approved.


3. Personal Information

Fill in your personal information (Name, Driver's License Number, Address and Phone).

If you plan to bid at the auction on behalf of your company, fill in the business information (Organization) as well.

Check the "Receive announcements" checkbox below if you want to receive email notifications of upcoming auctions. You will be able to unsubscribe to the notifications at any time.

4. Categories of Interest

On this page you will see the categories of items which are usually sold at the auction.

Indicate the categories of interest to you. Click on the "Plus" icon by the main categories to make more detailed selections. You can also select all the categories by clicking the checkbox at the top of the page or select none. Click the "Save" button to go to the next step.





5. Registration Completed

Congratulations! You have been registered at the State of Utah Surplus Services Online Auction.

You can log in to the site now to start participating in the Online Auction.

Please keep your personal profile current by logging in and updating your information whenever it changes.
